Every year, I set a health focused challenge for myself that gets me outside of my comfort zone and makes me work hard. Call it a New Years Resolution, if you will. Being in the fitness industry for over a decade... I hear New Years Resolutions time and time again. They start out with great intentions. Week two is always hard. Week three holds a few exused failures and by week four, it's deemed unattainable. I am here to tell you, a goal doesn't have to end this way. In fact, I have reached many goals over the years and have learned a lot about myself doing so. One year I set a goal to run 1,200 miles. And I did it. It was the first year I did two half marathons within a year. That was a lot of volume for me to train for, but with this goal came a plan and execution. I had to change a lot about my recovery, nutriton, and improve my running capactiy. One year I challenged myself to get 10,000 steps every single day. And, I did it. All but one day (I was hositalized, unrelated to this goal), I was outside getting my steps in. I had to go outdoors in the blistering cold. I also had to find ways to walk when it was raining or gross. Thank goodness for malls, indoor treadmills and my strange obsession with consistency.

This year, my goal was to drink alcohol only once a week. This might sound rediculous to many of you. However, goals should be very personal and honestly, hard for only yourself. This goal was something I wanted to do for my health, for my strong grip on the bottle when 8pm Thursday rolled around, and to prove to myself I don't have to rely on alcohol to be my social-butterfly-self.
My past with alcohol:
I have had a very intersting releationship with alcohol my whole life. In highschool, I did not drink any alcohol. I know you're probably thinking "of course you didn't, you were 16!" Well, in 2010 when I was a sophomore in high school, alochol was cool and partying was cooler. I am unsure how I maintained a "popular" status with my efforts to literally not drink a drop of alcohol. Truth be told, I did this for one particular person who meant a lot to me, and also needed to know I wasn't going anywhere. I digress, I spent four years juggling parties, friendships, cheerleading and attending post-secondary college without one drop of alcohol. Yes... I still think I was the coolest to this day. ;)

When college rolled around, I was in a position to be myself. And no wonder why one of my biggest findings of this experiement is my joy of drinking to make myself happy. College was somewhat the same. I knew only a handful of people, all who I'd love to have a glass of wine with. In which, I did....many, many, many glasses of wine. I thought I was social and fun without alcochol in highschool but damn, I was extremely fun in college with alcohol. So, four years of lots of drinking and partying on my own terms, with my own people, in my own way. I am pretty proud of myself here too; I learned by the end of junior year that I didn't really like drinking to be in the "scene" or go to the coolest frat houses. My favorite memories were being with my favorite people, doing my favorite things. Shout out to all my best friends and now husband for showing me how to do college right.

Post-college years were where things got...weird. I lived alone for about three years. I had a long distance boyfriend, was in the work world way earlier than most of my friends, and lived about 90 minutes from any family. I was very lonely. Now, I'm not blaming my decisions around alcohol on how lonely I was. I know almost everyone goes through this. However, my lonliness contributed to me drinking alcohol every single night. For at least three years. If this is you, I do not shame you. I understand you. I was you. The problem with drinking alcohol every night was me relying on it to not feel lonely. At the time, my thoughts were, "I like the taste of wine", "it's how I unwind", and "It's just a glass or two". I truly didn't think I had a problem until my boyfriend, now husband, started to ask why I was drinking on a Monday. He didn't notice it when he was still in undergrad and I wasn't; but now that he was in the work world... he commented on my habit. This threw me off a little bit. Next thing I knew, my boyfriend was buying me tea and mugs to drink at night, giving me a healthier alternative. It was a good thought, but didn't stick when he'd leave and I'd go back to my old ways.
Eventually I moved to Michigan to live with my boyfriend. I'll admit, this helped me a lot. And, it made sense. I was no longer as lonely as I was living alone. I still enjoyed wine, but probably five out of seven nights of the week. Still too much for a fitness professional. From this point of my life, nothing truly had me slow down except my age and responsibilities. As I grew into my later 20's, my job started requiring me to get up earlier, work longer hours, and work harder physcially. Drinking simply didn't promote the success I was looking for. Being with my husband who did not drink duirng the week was also extremely helpful.
Diabetes and alcohol
Many of you may be wondering, "how can you, a diabetic, drink so much alcohol? Doesn't that affect your bloodsugar?" I think my one saving grace is that I like wine, and if I had a cocktail it was a vodka soda. Simply put... I was drinking zero sugar. Dry red wine (and white) actually does not raise my bloodsugar at all. In fact, I am way more susceptible to lows when I drink alcohol, because my liver is now detoxifying the alcohol instead of releasing sugar. So I pretty much had drinking alochol down to a science; either don't bolus, or bolus less. Of course I would modify if I was having a margarita or something with sugar.
Why I decided to cut back
When 2024's new year was approaching, I always think about where my weak links are. In the past, I've had resolutions of walking more, getting outside more, eating zero added sugar (that one was hard and unrealistic for a diabetic), etc. But, I have been 80% successful with all of my resoltuions.
I don't know what came over me, but I really wanted to challenge myself to drinking less alcohol. Many people do "dry January". I think that's a great start but honestly, incredibly weak. Anyone should be able to abstaine from something for thirty days. Personally, I look for a great challenge. I want something that will make me move outside of my comfort zone.
The connection came during the holiday season. Of course, alcohol is everywhere: parties, family gatherings, wrapping gifts and baking goods... even at the movies for a chill cold winters' night in. Alcohol was so engrained in my day to day life and not only was never a second thought, but my body also hated the outcome. I'll touch on that in a second, but because alcohol was such a part of my life, I truly felt like I was fine. Until the thought of "drinking once a week" appeared and literally did not leave my mind. I knew this would be my focus for the New Year.
The challenges
The first three weeks into the New Year were the easiest. Actually, there were a few weeks I simply did not drink at all. I needed the break and many of my friends were pregnant so the cut back was welcomed with open arms. The challenges arose when we'd be hosting friends and family for the weekend, attended weddings at destinations or had vacations. Here are my most notable moments that presented challenges and how I overcame them:
Las Vegas Trip
This was the first trip I went on with this goal. And technically, it was the easiest! I went to Vegas from Saturday- Tuesday, so I technically drank Sunday and Monday night since they were in "seperate" weeks. I went to Vegas to run the half marathon on Sunday. Saturday night was spent sober. Which was fine, I wanted to go to bed and get a good nights' sleep anyways. But this trip forcasted how things are different when you don't drink alcohol and it is quite literally all around you.
Vegas trip: sober and celebrating my race
My first time hosting family or friends during this goal was my in-laws. Now don't get me wrong, it's not like I feel pressured to drink with my family. I do not what so ever. I simply enjoy drinking with my family. Especially my in-laws, who like good red wine just as I do! I looked at the weekends festivities and made a choice to stay sober on Friday, and drink on Saturday. I also opened up to them about my goal and what I was doing. This sparked great conversations about alcohol and health in general. I will say, once I got the first time hosting out-of-the-way, every other situation hosting was a breeze. I simply drank diet coke the first night. And truthfully, I was more awake, more present, and still fun on the nights I stayed sober.
New York City Trip
This may have been the hardest trip to navigate, simply because I love New York City. The energy, the people I went with, the amazing food and endless-facey-moments (lol). But I am so incredibly proud of myself for sticking to my goal. Our trip was planned around surprising my brother in-law for a weekend with the sibs. Since I knew Friday would be the surprise and I planned dinner, I decided this would be a great night to stay sober. It's not like he was planning for us to be there; so this was most likely going to be the "earliest" night. That day, we indeed went to bars... I just ordered a soda with limes and lemons. I was good; and no one even cared or noticed. The most notable part of staying sober was the fact I got up the next morning and crushed a Barry's Bootcamp class. It was so fun, I felt so energized and I was ready to tackle the busy NYC energy for the next day.

Two week Greece trip
This trip was the one trip I allowed myself to break my rules. Our family went on a trip to Greece; a once-in-a-lifetime kinda trip where we all tried new cuisine, wines, and experiences together. By the time this trip rolled around, I was starting to realize some of the positive effects not drinking has done for me. I've slept better than ever, my skin wasn't breaking out and had zero roseca, my workouts were crushing, I was building muscle and looked really good, and my energy was on fire. Truthfully, Greece was intimidating because I knew I wanted to drink to experience it, but I didn't want to drink because of how freaking good I felt all of the time. It was a bit of a mind-fuck. I approached Greece with a loose plan; drink one night at each island. But of course, as we went to Greece.... those plans became a bit jumbled and I felt like I was forcing drinking in places that didn't interest me. Instead, I truely listened to my body and drank when I wanted to. That landed me at a total of four nights of drinking out of twelve. I didn't touch alcohol in Athens, but enjoyed a spontaneous late night in Mykonos. I didn't plan to drink alcohol during the day; but once we decided to unwind at a beach club.. of course I had a glass of champagne. It was more spur of the moment decisions that made it feel less forced. And because I truly drank when I wanted to, it was naturally less. I only wanted to drink with the people I loved and when really good drinks were present.

Bachelorette Party
This one was only tricky going into it. But once there, I felt more confident than ever about my choices to drink only once that week. At this partiuclar party, I knew no one but the bride. In normal circumstances, I'd be totally fine. And actually, I was totally fine. But the thought of explaining my decision to not drink one night to ten strangers reared its' ugly head. This is where my determination and confidence just shined through. I drank Friday night with the girls and had so much fun with the bride. Saturday was a boat day, and perfect for some ice-cold water and sun. And I probably felt better than half the girls on the boat... but, it's ok! I wasn't asked once why I wasn't drinking.
Outer Banks Vacation
My husband and I went to the Outer Banks on a Thursday through Tuesday. This would give me two nights to drink alcohol, and three of staying sober. On vacation!? Yep. And this was my first introduction to alcohol-free wine. I bought Fre from the grocery store. To be honest, it's awful. It tastes like grape juice. But this lead me in to a spiral of finding more varities of alcohol free wine, and I landed on Zero Proof. Praise Jesus for Zero Proof. I'll tell you more about my experience drinking these wines; but for now... OBX was so incredibly special to us. And I didn't need alcohol to make it one of the best trips my husband and I have ever had. I think it helped that I grew up going to Outer Banks. I have plenty of memories being very sober here; and the joy this place brings me is incomparable to what alcohol brings me.

My success
This year, I was successful at drinking once a week all but twice:
1) Greece Trip
2) Chicago Trip #1
On both of these trips, I made the decision to drink alcohol more than once because of the people I was with and the joy I was finding sipping on wine with them. This is one of the biggest findings to this experiment. I absolutely hate drinking pointless alcohol. Done are the days that I drink a seltzer to fit in becasue everyone else is. Honeslty... seltzers are fucking terrible. I am done drinking them. But give me a high quality glass of red wine and a best friend or two... you have me at my happiest. And I would never trade those precious moments for the decision of "completing a goal".
On the otherhand, I didn't make that excuse every weeekend. To my besties that came over this year and I was not drinking... you are still special. But I know I will have the opportunity (say, the next day) to partake in sharing a drink with you. I think the healthiest moments are when you have a detached relationship with alcohol and can still be sober through your social life.
My success was not easy. I did not drink alcohol many, many times this year. I didn't drink on Thanksgiving, I didn't drink at the football games, I didn't drink on stressful nights. I can confidently say that I do not and will not reach for alochol as my nautral reaction to these much deeper moments.
What I've learned
I am the healthiest I've been in my entire life
I have truthfully never been as strong as I am now. I believe that spending more mornings this year lifting weights in a not-hungover body has contributed to better workouts, better recovery, and an overall better phsyique. I am never, ever, bloated unless I go overboard on the one time a week I did drink. I've easily sustained a lower body fat percentage this year compared to the last two years. My bloodsugars are insanely better on weekends compared to when I drank every night of the weekend. I never chase lows or try to understand how much sugar is in a mixed drink. All of these findings have led me to PR's in the gym and becoming a better runner. I am so grateful I am seeing improvements in my strength and running, ever after years and years of training. I solely believe my alcohol intake (and creatine) has made this move for me.
The strongest I've ever been
I've gotten the best sleep this year than I have in years. It's true, drinking alcohol at night will keep you up or cause you the worst nights' sleep. No longer do I wake up sweating, with headaches or dehydrated. If I wake up during the night, it's a dexcom alert and not my own inability to sleep.
I don't think I've gone to the gym hungover once this year. And better yet, I haven't gone with zero energy. In my past, the gym was a non-negotiable. If I had a night of heavy drinks, I'd just sweat it out at the gym the next day. I think that made me feel better mentally, but physically I was probably not doing much. Now, I wake up with endless amounts of energy. 4 am's don't feel quite as early. I am alert and ready to takcle long workdays. I look forward to the gym. Long run? I haven't dreaded one once this year.
Endless energy: trip to Colorado where I drank only two glasses of red wine, on one night. I was so active, healthy and happy!
Bloating, water retention, weight
Naturally, one would think of tremendous weight loss when cutting out lots of alcohol. For myself, I lost weight at the beginning of the year due to not drinking my calories. But since seeing strength gains and improvements in the gym, I have seen lots of muscle gain. In fact, I have put on about 10 lbs of pure muscle this year. This is something I am so passionate about and honestly work so hard at in the gym. To actually see myself put on muscle and see my body fat percentage lower is so rewarding! In terms of numbers, my bodyweight has pretty much evened out to last year. But my body composition is completely differnet; I am about 6% lower bodyfat (23% to 17%) and gained more muscle (10lbs). I never feel like I am retaining water or bloated.
Top photo: July 2023 58lbs of muscle, 23.1% body fat
Bottom photo: November 2024: 68llbs of muscle, 17% body fat
Enjoyment and socializing
This is the biggest finding of my experiment. I've found out I absolutely loath drinking alcohol that I don't like, or during situations where I don't like the people. Going into the New Year, I can't promise I won't drink more than once a week.. but, I am going to be so intentional about when I drink alcohol. No good red cab? I'll pass then. A work party that I know nobody at? I'll skip the drinks. I could care less about fitting in or being "comfortable". I've already won every situation of being uncomfortable.
What now?
I've been asked if I'll keep this up going forward. Will I really choose to not drink while on vacations? Will I really stay sober when I am with my friends? Am I still going to drink non-alcoholic wine?
My goal for myself should be to question my choices less. If I want to drink alcohol, it will be a no-brainer. I want the right situation to be present for me to think, "hey, this would be a great moment for a cold beer!". If I have to question, "Should I get a drink?", it's probably not worth it. For me, my love and desire to feel good every day, complete killer morning workouts and strive to be my healthiest outweighs questionable moments to drink.
I want to encourage you to be sober-curious. It was the best New Years Challenge for me, ever. I want you to approach new situations with a sober mind, body and heart. Feel the effects of detachment. Feel the strength of your inner being, your will power. Once you detach your "automation" to reach for the bottle, you'll find so many greater things around you that provide joy. These things won't kill your liver or cause you massive morning discomfort. Find joy in people, in experiences, in the ability to go and do.